WordPress 2.9 Carmen is here… Installed and ready to rock!

This is my first post after the upgrade to WordPress 2.9 which was just made available. I didn’t had the chance to look thoroughly under the hood just yet but I must say that the upgrade process went smoooooth. Not even the slightest glitch. Up and running in less than a minute after pressing the upgrade button.
So what’s new?
1. A new trash feature that’s actually a trash can or a recycle bin if you prefer. Trash a post or an image or anything else for that matter and WordPress keeps it in the trash for 30 days in case you change your mind later.
2. A very nice addition of an image editor. Upload your photos and resize them, crop them and make them to fit, right from within the WordPress Media Library.
3. Mass update your plugins by selecting the ones to update while getting info on their compatibility along the way.
4. Super easy embedding of videos by just inserting video urls in your posts and having WordPress convert them automatically to the proper embedded code needed for them to show up.
5. Support for rel=canonical for additional SEO.
6. Upgraded TinyMCE WYSIWYG editor
7. Many additions to WordPress XML-RPC API
8. Numerous bug fixes and enhancements
You can read the related official blog post or digg in all the fixes and additions. Happy bloging!